01 May 2010

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

After only previously reading Kerouac's The Dharma Bums I decided to read this which I acquired a fair while ago. I recently did a Facebook quiz that told me of all classic books, I am this one. Hmmm.

This book, narrated by Sal Paradise follows his journey across America and then back across in the opposite direction. A significant portion of his journey is spent with his buddy, Dean Moriarty, a slightly mad, ex-con who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants, even if it means leaving half wrecked cars wherever he goes. The rises and falls of Dean determine Sal's stop and start journeying throughout the book Through a fog of alcohol, drugs and general craziness; the pair eventually end up in Mexico.

The characters in this book are very believable, their histories are spelled out throughout the book in a semi-detached fashion. I especially liked the description of Old Bull Lee (modelled on the author William S. Burroughs).

I enjoyed parts of this book and its contribution to the "Beat" generation. I also found some parts of it excessively trying. Most of all though, this book is an interesting read about the abyss that occurs between youth and freedom.

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